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The Importance of Effective Communication & Mutual Understanding

Updated: Jan 15, 2023

Effective communication is crucial in all aspects of our lives, and it is especially important in the field of technology. As technologists, we rely on our ability to clearly convey our ideas and solutions to our colleagues and clients in order to successfully develop and troubleshoot systems. The systems and solutions that we build are, in many cases, a near-direct output of the conversations that we have and the decisions that we make.

One of the most important goals of communication is to gain mutual understanding. When both parties in a conversation have a clear understanding of what is being said and what is expected, it enables us to work more efficiently and effectively towards a common goal. If not, we may have multiple meetings or conversations on a topic... lagging to achieve an outcome. Situations like this may create frustration and burnout, which can hinder our ability to get stuff done.

In addition to the detrimental impacts of not crafting our communication specifically tailored to our recipient, the inability to receive communication without emotion can also have negative consequences. When we allow our emotions to cloud our judgment, it can lead to poor decision-making and hinder our ability to find the most effective solutions or, simply, be the better version of ourselves. This can result in wasted time and resources as we revisit problems that may have been solved more efficiently if approached objectively.

Effective communication is essential in the field of technology and in all aspects of our lives. By taking the time to carefully consider our audience and approach discussions objectively, we can work more efficiently, build stronger relationships, and achieve our goals more effectively. Gaining mutual understanding through clear and effective communication is an important step in achieving these goals. Everyone wins, everyone's happy, and stuff gets done (mostly!).

I was largely naive to the concept of effective communication (despite my understanding of TCP!) and much of my development and thoughts on this topic are largely accredited to a mentor of mine, Charles Hodge.

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